16 Dec Anamika Thapa’s Story of Survival
So yesterday morning before we left Bardia we had the honour of visiting two of the students in their homes.
This 16 year old girl, Anamika, wants to be an engineer. When I interviewed here she was CERTAIN beyond doubt it will happen. She had that spark. Yesterday when we visited her home she showed us where she was collecting water from the canal at the back of her home when a crocodile snapped her and dragged her into the water… she held on to a bamboo pole planted firmly nearby. Her mother, sister and father all jumped on top of the crocodile to free her.. she survived. She has massive scars on her leg, her mother and father big scars on their hand where they had to rip their own hands from the crocodiles mouth to free themselves. Now I understand her determination and belief. Nothing will stop her. She needs access to computers and a library to pursue this dream. Can you too help Anamika get what she deserves so she can become an engineer?
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